Tuesday, 31 July 2018

scala.concurrent.Future leaks on timeouts.

Almost any business operation should have a reasonable deadline - if not completed before - it loses it value.
Imagine situation when we are building the service that should give a response in 500 milliseconds - if it's not ready we should return error.

Just to reduce the number of source code lines in example we will use Await.result - that allows to set the timeout for waiting.
If we define our heavy operation as:
We find out that despite service produces error on timeout - and we notify the users on that - we actually haven't canceled the heavy task itself. It keeps running despite the result isn't needed. Another simple example with akka-streams:
It's output is:
error: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: The stream has not been completed in 100 milliseconds.
I'm executed anyway

There is no way to get ride off resources leak except the changing the way how heavyOperation is working. For example if it's query to Cassandra - it should be regulated via timeouts, retry policy and other setting to limit the maximum execution time to expected duration.
Sometimes it's not that easy to predict and limit execution time as a result to avoid resource's leak. Akka streams proposes Back-pressure solution that actually isn't easy to apply for all the cases.
There is another way to cancel the jobs explicitly, for example Monix library implements Cancelable Of course cancelable is something that you have to manage explicitly - the way you would like the job to be cancelled. But the handling of timeouts is easy to use operation:

If we want to stop thread execution from our synthetic example we can use Task with cancelable behaviour:
- of course the real cancelation is sometimes hard to implement it correctly.
How do you handle the timeouts for long running tasks?

Friday, 27 July 2018

Testing Promise with Jasmine

There is a good library that provides syntax sugar for Promise validations via Jasmine jasmine-promise-matchers.  It comes hard to test complex result objects, example proposes to use jasmine.objectContaining from jasmine-matchers, but the easier way for the same is just to map promise into tested value and use toBeResolvedWith on a projection from pormise.

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Ceremony Δ

There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.

The Zen of Python

...Scala's syntax is a bit more flexible than many people are used to..
underscore.io blog

When programming language gets the new features - it has to pay some price in complexity - but extra in ceremonies aspect. I call this Ceremony Delta, the learning curve for the language has some dependency on it - because of developer should study the implicit conventions.

Dynamically growing ecosystem isn't able to follow the bottom row closely for a long distance. Naturally it tends to jump away. It takes a lot of power to keep it on "The shortest way is the right one". Of course the language authors are allowed to review concepts and release the "brand new" language version.

Scala as a language with FP and OOP paradigms support was always hard to keep balance.
Unfortunately it's bring the requirement to invest into best practices.

It already has a big scope of implicit ceremonies that is growing.

Sometimes compiler helps us to find the problems:

eitherResult match { // [warn] match may not be exhaustive.  
    case Right(value) => assert(value == expected)

The example with matching only some part actually is the shortest one - especially with some context that it's a part of Unit test - and having failures for Left cases  is acceptable

This code still compiles but doesn't make sense:

val intList = List(1, 2)
intList.filter(_ == "4") 
// comparing values of types Int and String using `==' will always yield false

Closure is a shortest way to filter the list. As a solution there are different libraries implement === method that is type safe.

Here are example of "smell code" that is easy to detect for experienced developers - but compiler stays silent

// Declaring public variable that is expected to be injected // that is why it's initialized by null
@Inject var service: Service = _

Some(null) // ridiculous declaration 

Future.failed[T](new Exception) foreach doSideEffects // using foreach for side effects - but it's ignoring errors

Thread.sleep(1000) // Let the word wait for 1 second

val result = for {
  part1 <-callService1  // Future[T]  
  part2 <- callService2 // Future[T]
} yield (part1, part2)  // part2 starts execution after part1 has been completed// Tuple is used to combine the result

Using null from JVM sometimes is the shortest way, making side effects on Future in foreach callback is the easiest approach - but not the right one.

Sometimes it's not that easy to find the problem even for experienced developers and it's definitely of of the compiler's responsibility:
// despite method returns a Future - it hides the calling // of blocking code
def asyncCallService(params: Parameter): Future[T] = {
  val extraParam = callSomeBlockingCode() // usingBlockingApi
  callService3(extraParam, params) // returns Future[T] 

To reduce the Ceremony Δ there are many domain specific libraries addressing boilerplate places. The most of the examples for the bad usages of scala.concurrent.Future are solved in ScalaZ Task, cats-effect, Monix etc libs, that still is increasing the learning curve for language but keeps Ceremony delta low. The example with making side-effects in map-flatmap can't be solved with libraries and probably requires language support. It leaves as best practices recommendation on use a pure functions in map/flatmap in cats-effect library - that is ceremony we have to follow.

Monday, 9 July 2018

triple equals conflict scalactic and cats

ScalaTest library depends on org.scalactic.Equalizer.
When cats library is used via import cats.implicits._ - the both are providing function ===.

Of course compiler won't be happy with multi implicit conversions:

Note that implicit conversions are not applicable because they are ambiguous:
 both method catsSyntaxEq in trait EqSyntax of type [A](a: A)(implicit evidence$1: cats.Eq[A])cats.syntax.EqOps[A]
 and method convertToEqualizer in trait TripleEquals of type [T](left: T)SomeUnitTest.this.Equalizer[T]
 are possible conversion functions from Int to ?

As a workaround I recommend to disable cats implementation - it's a bit worse than scalactic:
import cats.implicits.{ catsSyntaxEq => _, _ } // import all implicits except triple '='