Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Revise Kotlin 1.3 from Scala experience perspective

Thanks to Google Kotlin is producing more and more informational noise. It's interesting to make an assessment spending less than hour to find out where the language is now and comparing it with Scala's experience. I'm not going to review feature by feature - but will try to get impression in offbeat way - choosing the most interesting/unaccustomed feature in 1.3 and trying to assist language's way of development comparing with pseudocode in Scala.

Let's look into upcoming release 1.3.  Kotlin Contracts is looking interesting and probably the biggest KEEP change in the release. Looks like something language specific (haven't seen it in other languages) that improves language itself and may bring some light to the Kotlin's "way of thinking".

Let's run through the proposal to and try to understand what it improves and why.
The first example/motivator is:

Well, it's extremely hard to get why should we write the code like that. There is some background on how Kotlin implements calls of closure blocks (there was similar SIP-21 - SPORES in Scala, but  didn't gain popularity), skipping that - for particular example it feels more natural to use functional approach:
I feel like Kotlin tries to make this code valid:
Kotlin doesn't require us to define val and initialise it immediately, but I don't feel it's nicer and better readable. There is an extra price - method run has a

contract {
    callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)

The next one example is:

As for developer with Scala experience it's hard to understand the problem's domain - but keeping in mind that Kotlin is providing safety for null references problems - there is some sugar for the cases when safety is already checked against the reference and it follows some rules (not null in the example). Looks fine and it's imperative alternative to Monad's approach (will talk about this later). But if it were the production code I would prefer to avoid throwing the exceptions and separate execution of the side effect (println). Same as in previous example there is small complexity via introducing:

Next one example is:

Looks like pattern matching customisation - I had intuitive feeling that it's the way to handle the Union Types but it isn't. As for the guy without commercial experience with Kotlin - all the examples are too artificial to evaluate the syntax sugar coming with contracts. For example the last example looks much better if the pattern matching is applied

Still it could be covered via Option/Either Monads or if there are more possibilities - better to look into Coproduct solutions. All the other examples are following the same paradigm if it were the real product's source code I would prefer to use best practices from Lambda and Categories patterns. Especially that handling nullable (empty) values has the same importance as validation/parallel validation or applying side effects in a good way. There is probably implicit advantage of Kotlin's sugar - allocate less memory and it would be great - but as we will see as soon as we require some feature like ?.let the extra memory allocation is inevitable.

Overall impression is quite positive. Kotlin is inventing some alternative to Lambda + Category solutions for specific problems.  Nullable reference is really weird solution that appears to be the centrum of all the problems/improvements in the given examples. Fortunately I haven't met NullpointerException quite some time in Scala - but should admit that one of the most used Monads is Option. Another  positive impression is: it's possible to write code in Kotlin from the first minute.

Bonus: Weird nullable types
The Null Safety is looking too noisy but we will play around this area comparing with Scala. Let's imagine we need to read (from property file)  three optional variables and build optional url object based on those. Pretty easy approach checkin all the 3 variables against null and creating the object, Scala allows to write something like:

Or not using the for-comprehensions but Applicative's mapN:

Let's find out can we do something similar. Kotlin doesn't support for comprehensions out of the box. Starting with brute-force solution for 2 params:

Let's use ?.let method:

Looks fine for the case with two params - but wouldn't for more. Let's try to play with Monad's flatMap and unit:

Looks like Maybe/Option Monad:

Looks better - but wouldn't for three and more params. Can we use mapN?

And the usage is:

Works for Pair type only - for more params we need a custom implementation per type, but idea is clean - Kotlin can support functional solutions with Categories. I'm pretty sure there should  be dozen good Functional Programming libraries in Kotlin like Arrow

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